Festival Belluard Bollwerk International


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(New York)

Guitar tracks stacked with few effects and two-finger eighties synthetizers: Ratatat’s music is simple. From this simplicity, the mysterious New York-based duo, an outstanding guitarist and an electronic multi-instrumentalist, manage to extract melodic, touching, obsessive music. Mike Stroud and Evan Mast draft a repetitive framework throughout their songs, with just enough discreet nuances to keep the listener alert. From their introductory album recorded in 2003 in a bedroom to famous hip-hop remixes, these fans of Jay-Z and Beethoven have us charmed. Ratatat generates atmospheres, vast expansions where imagination ignites and melancholy meets the stampede of cavalry.

Belluard Bollwerk
  • Fri 30.6. 22:45 - 23:45
© Ratatat