Audio installation featuring train drivers’ stories
Created in Sofia and Fribourg, this is an installation that makes the invisible audible. Over the public announcement system on trains headed for the town of Bulle, passengers will get to hear the voices of the drivers, who are always there but never seen. Joséphine de Weck talks to them about their fears, their hopes, their habits, their joys and the tales they have to tell. The interviews from one city inform the interviews carried out in the other, and connections are forged between the situation in Fribourg and the Eastern Europe reality. The train is no longer an anonymous and indifferent public space but becomes the backdrop for moments filled with intimacy and confidences.
Do You ListenTo The Driver takes place in the TPF-trains between Fribourg and Bulle, with a stop and the possibility to change trains in Romont:
Sunday 28 June
departure from Fribourg at 17h04 (opening), 18h04, 19h04
departure from Bulle at 17h20, 18h20, 19h20
Thursday 2 July
departure from Fribourg at 12h04, 13h04, 14h04
departure from Bulle at 12h20, 13h20, 14h20
Saturday 4 July
departure from Fribourg at 10h04, 11h04, 12h04
departure from at Bulle à 10h20, 11h20, 12h20
© Margaux Kolly
© Margaux Kolly
© Margaux Kolly
© Margaux Kolly
© Margaux Kolly
Idea Joséphine de Weck Direction Irina Andreeva, Joséphine de Weck Subtitles and calibration Dimitri Magnin TranslationBistra Sekulic, Eddy KunzCollaboration Institute of Rubbish, NEDRama laboratory & Replika Theatre Special thanks to TPF Team Production Opus 89, Belluard Bollwerk International
Sponsored by the Canton of Fribourg Cultural Promotion Fund
With the support of TPF, Pro HelvetiaInside Travel